
Last updated November 2, 2021

Natural Hair – Weaving and Braiding

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Natural Hair – Weaving and Braiding



Natural Hair – Weaving and Braiding (NH1) – Tuesdays & Thursday 5:00pm- 7:00pm

First Class July 6th 2021


Hairdressing can be considered the custom of cutting and arranging the hair, practiced by men and women from ancient times to the present. Early records indicate that the ancient Assyrians wore elaborate curly hair styles; by contrast, the ancient Egyptians, men and women alike, shaved their heads and wore wigs. Whether ornate or simple, hairdressing has been employed by almost every society. 


This course is designed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills needed to develop marketable skills, become employable, and encourage entrepreneurial development.

Participants will be exposed to the processes of washing, cutting, curling, styling, or caring for natural hair without the use of chemicals, in addition to managing different hair textures.   


The aim of this course is to provide participants with the basic knowledge, skills and techniques required to become a Hairdresser in Natural Hair Care either professionally or on a personal level. 

At the end of this course, participants should be able to: 

  • Understand Natural Hairdressing 
  • The Different types of Tools and Equipment used
  • Health and Safety in Hairdressing
  • Caring for Natural Hair 
  • Braiding and Weaving 
  • Types of Hairstyles

Entry Requirements  

Individuals interested in participating must be fifteen (15) years and over possess:

  1. Two valid forms of picture Identification (Identification Card / Passport ).

2. Proof of residency (non nationals)

3.  A digital device and internet access for virtual learning.

4. A training head or mannequin and wigs, hair clips, pair of hair scissors, light blower dryer, curling iron, hair brush and a set of comb. 

 Course Structure 

 Course CodesCourse Titles

Course Modules

  • Module  1:   Introduction to Natural Hairdressing/Tools and Equipment/Health & Safety/Disinfection & Sterilization
  • Module 2:  Care of Hair and Scalp
  • Module 3:  Hair & Scalp disorders/structure of scalp/Shampooing and Conditioning
  • Module 4:  Braiding and Weaving/Styling
  • Module 5:   Identifying types of hair texture/Cutting and Styling
  • Module 6:  How to Colour Natural Hair/Texturizer/Style
  • Module 7:  Demonstrate Popular Hairstyles
  • Module 8:  Final Evaluation/Assessment Assignment/Protocol
  • Module 9:  Small Entrepreneur Development- Financial Management of Business
  • Module 10:   Final Evaluation/Assessment – Presentation of Portfolio/Videos

N.B. Each Module consists of two (2) classes/ four (4) hours

Course Cost

Tuition is free of charge, but trainees are required to provide their own training materials and equipment.

Assessment Structure  

A model of periodical in-course assessment coupled with a final assessment project is proposed for this course. Trainees will be assessed at different intervals over the training period as this helps reduce anxiety with respect to the finality of testing. This assessment method, therefore, enhances learning since trainees will be able to remediate weaknesses before each module ends.



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