
Last updated November 2, 2021

Small Scale Agriculture – Grow Box Technique

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Small Scale Agriculture – Grow Box Technique



Small Scale Agriculture – Grow Box Technique (SAGB1) – Monday & Tuesday 4:00pm-6:00pm

First class July 5th 2021


Small Scale Agriculture – Grow Box is the production of crops in an enclosed box-like structure with the use of a special mixture to grow the crops. This course introduces participants to fertilizers, pesticides, and different farm management techniques.  They will also learn various crop management techniques, such as, harvesting, grading and packaging, which are key components of small scale agriculture.


This course is designed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills needed to develop marketable skills, become employable, and encourage entrepreneurial development.

Participants will be exposed to both theory and practical techniques, different types of materials/resources and best practices used in Events Management.   


The aim of this course is to provide participants with the basic knowledge, skills and techniques to become skilled labourers and farmers on a professional level or promote self-development. 

At the end of this course, participants should be able to: 

  • Identify and use the various tools and equipment used in Small Scale Agriculture
  • Establishment of Crops
  • Management of Crops
  • Farming and Agriculture techniques 
  • Identify crop types, varieties, fertilizers, application methods
  • Care and Maintenance of crops

Entry Requirements  

Individuals interested in participating must be fifteen (15) years and over and have the following:

  1. Two (2) valid forms of picture Identification (Identification Card / Passport / Driver’s Permit).
  2. Proof of residence (non-nationals)
  3. A digital device and internet access for virtual learning.

 Course Structure 

 Course CodesCourse Titles
Level ISmall Scale Agriculture – Grow Box Technique


Course Modules

  • Module 1:  Introduction to Small Scale Agriculture – Grow Box / Tools and Equipment/Health & Safety/ The Law 
  • Module 2:  Establishment of the Crop: Construction of the box 
  • Module 3:  Establishment of the Crop: Soilless Materials/Pre-Plant Fertilizers/Mixing Materials
  • Module 4:  Establishment of the Crop: Seedlings, Filling of Box and Plantlings
  • Module 5: Management of Crops: Observation Procedures/Water Requirements and Watering
  • Module 6: Management of Crops: Fertilizers and fertilizing/Pest and Disease Monitoring and Control
  • Module 7:  Establishment of the Crop: Topping up of boxes, Harvesting and Pesticide Safety
  • Module 8:  Final Evaluation/Assessment Assignment/Crop Types/Varieties/Fertilizer Mixes/Application Methods/Frequency and Making of Natural Pesticides
  • Module 9:  Small Entrepreneur Development- Financial Management of Small Business
  • Module 10: Final Evaluation/Assessment – Presentation of Portfolio/Videos

N.B. Each Module consists of two (2) classes/ four (4) hours

Course Cost

Tuition is free of charge, but trainees are required to provide their own training materials and equipment.


Assessment Structure  

A model of periodical in-course assessment coupled with a final assessment project is proposed for this course. Trainees will be assessed at different intervals over the training period as this helps reduce anxiety with respect to the finality of testing. This assessment method, therefore, enhances learning since trainees will be able to remediate weaknesses before each module ends.



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