The Honourable Shamfa Cudjoe

Minister of Sport and Community Development

With just one click, we are helping our citizens to make the transition from the traditional classroom to a virtual learning environment. Our Learning Management System (LMS) implementation marks a milestone in the actualization of one of MSCD’s many flagship projects as we utilize technology to further advance teaching, training, and learning in our communities. The LMS implementation will allow us to create, manage, and deliver the Ministry’s educational courses and empowerment programmes in a virtual space. This system promises to enhance our accessibility, expand our reach, foster greater social inclusion, and enable stronger community connections. This web-based teaching/learning approach supports the Government’s vision for Digital Transformation throughout the Public Service, with a people-centered approach of aligning all Government services with the needs and expectations of our citizens. The Ministry is determined to deliver on its mission of nurturing our nation’s greatest assets, our people. We, therefore, stand committed to building resilient communities and empowering the people of Trinidad and Tobago by providing easy access to useful knowledge, tools, and skills with just one click.  I encourage you to enjoy the benefits of this added service and the many opportunities that lie ahead.

Ms. Angela Edwards

Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Sport and Community Development 

We are excited to announce the launch of our Learning Management System (LMS). This system was created to offer a complete learning experience that is fun, interactive, and ultimately engaging. This eLearning platform is meant to create a robust learning experience that feels like a classroom experience. It will offer the traditional classroom characteristics like instructor-student interaction, Q&As, discussions, collaborative projects, quizzes, etc.  It can be accessed through any device (e.g., laptops, tablets, desktop, or mobile). Now is the time for us to pivot as we adapt to a growing digital economy. I encourage you to take advantage of the immense opportunities that this platform will offer you and, by extension, your community. Wishing you a great learning experience through this eLearning platform.

Our people are at the heart of what we do. Therefore, the Ministry of Sport and Community Development (MSCD) seeks to provide non-formal education and training to individuals who are interested in advancing themselves and pursuing opportunities to enriched their lives. Through our programmes, participants will gain the skills and tools they need to thrive and maximize their potential. MSCD provides a suite of training programmes for all citizens in various areas through its divisions: Sport Division, Community Development Division, and Mediation Division.


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